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TCAT Dickson Pins Nurses
Press Release
By: Janine Wine
Communications and Marketing Coordinator
TCAT Dickson
Thirteen Tennessee College of Applied Technology – Dickson (TCAT Dickson) Practical Nursing students from the main campus were pinned during a traditional ceremony December 5.
TCAT Dickson President Laura Travis welcomed students and guests to the ceremony. She addressed students saying, “You are going to be someone that’s trusted who will sometimes care for patients where you are all they have to cling to.”
Stephanie Murphy who serves as the director of nursing and health careers for TCAT Dickson said, “These students have pushed through a variety of obstacles to reach this first step in their journey.” Murphy went on to thank instructors Kristen Moffitt, Megan Tomlin-Tidwell, Sarah Trevathan, and Amy Wuertz. “These instructors have laid a strong foundation to help these young nurses succeed,” Murphy explained.
Murphy told family members and friends that Practical Nursing students spend nearly half of their time at clinical sites during the year they are enrolled at TCAT Dickson. “We couldn’t train nurses without our clinical partners,” Murphy said.
Five students were recognized for having been inducted into the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS). Sierra Brummett, Samantha Dozier, Katie McLaughlin, Lesly Ramirez, and Nichelle Stockton all met the criteria for induction in NTHS including maintaining an “A” average, attending at least 95 percent of their total program hours, and being nominated by their instructors for the honor.
Tiffanie Gunter received the Outstanding Clinical Student award for her attention to detail and her ability to interact with patients and healthcare professionals while completing her clinical assignments.
Addison Dorton received the Peer Award which is selected by the class as the person they would most want to care for them, or their family members should they need hospital care.
President Travis presented the pledges for pinning. Each received a copy of the Nightingale Oath. All nurses were pinned by their instructors with a pin depicting the image of an oil lamp representing the lamp once carried by Florence Nightingale and symbolizing the hope and comfort nurses bring to their patients.
Students also received a candle symbolizing the passing of nursing knowledge from one generation to the next.
The ceremony concluded with students reciting the pledge together publicly committing to their profession while emphasizing continuous learning.
TCAT Dickson offers Practical Nursing programs at three locations including the main campus in Dickson, and extension campuses in Clarksville and Franklin.
TCAT Dickson is a Tennessee Board of Regents institution, is accredited by the Council on Occupational Education, and complies with non-discrimination laws: Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, and ADA. Located on Highway 46 in Dickson, the technical training college also has extension campuses in Clarksville, and Franklin. Additional information about the school is located at www.TCATDickson.edu.
TCAT Dickson Practical Nursing students pinned in a traditional ceremony on December 5 included front row from left Samantha Dozier, Alyssa Morris, Tiffanie Gunter, Lesly Ramirez, Kalaya Johnson, Alyssa Sessions, and Sierra Brummett. Back row from left instructor Megan Tomlin-Tidwell, instructor Sarah Trevathan, Kalihia Ballard, Addison Dorton, Kaitlynn Charron, Katie McLaughlin, Nichelle Stockton, Peter Kassner, and instructor Kristen Moffitt.