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Name and Title | Contact | Teaching Locations |
Matthew Anderson Adjunct Instructor, Early Technical College, Diesel Powered Equipment Technology |
931-572-1694 matthew.anderson@tcatdickson.edu |
Pamela Bigham Student Services Coordinator |
615-441-6220 Pam.Bigham@tcatdickson.edu |
Thomas Bleyle Instructor, Building Construction Technology |
931-999-7126 thomas.bleyle@tcatdickson.edu |
Lisa Buckley BSN, RN Associate Instructor, Practical Nursing |
615-365-1507 lisa.buckley@tcatdickson.edu |
Angela Burns Adjunct Instructor, Practical Nursing |
615-420-2946 Angela.Burns@tcatdickson.edu |
Corey Choate Vice President of Operations |
615-422-7903 corey.choate@tcatdickson.edu |
Richard Christy Associate Instructor, Computer Information Technology |
richard.christy@tcatdickson.edu |
Cathleen Clark Human Resources |
615-441-6220 cathleen.clark@tcatdickson.edu |
Michael Clark Associate Instructor, Heating/Air Conditioning Technology |
931-572-1694 michael.clark@tcatdickson.edu |
Macy Clark BSN, RN Instructor, Practical Nursing |
macy.clark@tcatdickson.edu |
David Collins Instructor; Heating/Air Conditioning and Refrigeration |
615-420-7658 David.Collins@tcatdickson.edu |
Sean Dorsey Associate Instructor, Computer Information Technology |
931-999-7140 sean.dorsey@tcatdickson.edu |
Vicki Drobnis Administrative Support Associate, Human Resources |
615-365-1502 vicki.drobnis@tcatdickson.edu |
Angela Edgmon Academic/Student Support Associate 3 |
615-365-1500 angela.edgmon@tcatdickson.edu |
Salvatore Evangelista Instructor, Mechatronics Multicraft Tech |
931-999-7106 salvatore.evangelista@tcatdickson.edu |
Angela Ezell Financial Support Associate 5 |
615-441-6220 angela.ezell@tcatdickson.edu |
Carlos Felix Associate Instructor, Industrial Electrical Maintenance/Mechatronics Apprenticeships, Clarksville |
931-444-6516 carlos.felix@tcatdickson.edu |
Susan Foriest Financial Support Associate 5 |
615-441-6220 susan.foriest@tcatdickson.edu |
Deana Friddle Senior Instructor, Cosmetology |
931-444-6502 deana.friddle@tcatdickson.edu |
JoAnn Furline Financial Support Associate 5 |
615-441-6220 Joann.Furline@tcatdickson.edu |
Misty Gann BSN, RN Associate Instructor, Practical Nursing |
931-444-1341 misty.swift@tcatdickson.edu |
Kristy Garmon, CPhT-Adv Associate Instructor, Pharmacy Technology |
931-444-1354 kristy.garmon@tcatdickson.edu |
Roger Gentry Instructor, Building Construction Technology |
roger.gentry@tcatdickson.edu |
Meli Gerogianis Academic/Student Support Associate 5 |
615-420-7364 meli.gerogianis@tcatdickson.edu |
Deanna Griffin Clarksville Campus Director |
931-572-1694 deanna.griffin@tcatdickson.edu |
Josh Hallock Associate Instructor, Welding Technology |
615-392-5519 joshua.hallock@tcatdickson.edu |
Lacey Hill Academic/Student Support Associate 3 |
lacey.hill@tcatdickson.edu |
Jennifer Hodge Facilities Support Associate |
615-444-6512 jennifer.hodge@tcatdickson.edu |
Shane Hunter Senior Instructor, Automotive Technology |
615-422-7748 shane.hunter@tcatdickson.edu |
Ed Hutchinson Instructor, Industrial Electrical Maintenance/Mechatronics |
615-431-1889 ed.hutchinson@tcatdickson.edu |
Bryan Johnson Senior Instructor, Mechatronics Multicraft Tech |
615-422-7947 bryan.johnson@tcatdickson.edu |
Teresa Kinney ASN, RN Senior Instructor, Practical Nursing |
931-999-7113 Teresa.Kinney@tcatdickson.edu |
Stacey Langlois Financial Support Associate 5 |
931-572-1694 stacey.langlois@tcatdickson.edu |
Sherry LaRose-Bowman Academic/Student Support Associate 5 (Health Careers) |
615-441-6220 sherry.bowman@tcatdickson.edu |
Daniel Mangrum Instructor, Technology Foundations |
615-441-6220 daniel.mangrum@tcatdickson.edu |
Robert Martinez Associate Instructor, Welding Technology |
615-420-7463 robert.martinez@tcatdickson.edu |
Alan Matlock Associate Instructor, Machine Tool Technology |
615-420-2947 alan.matlock@tcatdickson.edu |
Levi Mayer Vice President of Academics and Compliance |
615-551-8908 levi.mayer@tcatdickson.edu |
Kim McPherson Senior Instructor, Machine Tool Technology |
931-999-7143 kim.mcpherson@tcatdickson.edu |
Joshua Miles Associate Instructor, Criminal Justice: Correctional Officer |
931-444-1348 joshua.miles@tcatdickson.edu |
Steve Miller Associate Instructor, Welding Technology |
931-999-7169 Steven.Miller@tcatdickson.edu |
Katelyn Mitchell Academic/Student Support Associate 4 |
931-444-1339 katelyn.mitchell@tcatdickson.edu |
Kristen Moffitt BSN, RN Master Instructor, Practical Nursing |
615-420-7811 Kristen.Moffitt@tcatdickson.edu |
Stephanie Murphy Director of Healthcare Programs |
615-441-6220 stephanie.murphy@tcatdickson.edu |
Raymond Noblin Senior Instructor, Diesel Powered Equipment Technology |
931-444-6535 raymond.noblin@tcatdickson.edu |
Gabriel Nunez Associate Instructor, Computer Information Technology |
gabriel.nunez@tcatdickson.edu |
Jamillah Osorio, LPN Associate Instructor, Patient Care Technology/Medical Assisting |
931-263-6811 jamillah.osorio@tcatdickson.edu |
Charlene Overton Associate Instructor, Cosmetology, Dickson |
615-398-2408 charlene.overton@tcatdickson.edu |
Cian Page Facilities Support Associate 5 |
cian.page@tcatdickson.edu |
Phillip Perez Associate Instructor; Heating/Air Conditioning and Refrigeration |
931-999-7146 Phillip.Perez@tcatdickson.edu |
Vanessa Pilkinton, RDA Senior Instructor, Dental Assisting |
615-420-4421 vanessa.pilkinton@tcatdickson.edu |
Timothy Powell Associate Instructor, Automotive Technology |
931-444-3804 timothy.powell@tcatdickson.edu |
Emily Powers Academic/Student Support Associate 6 (Financial Aid Officer) |
615-551-8757 emily.powers@tcatdickson.edu |
Stacey Proteau Academic/Student Support Associate 5 |
stacey.proteau@tcatdickson.edu |
Tiffany Rives Instructor, Digital Graphic Design & Computer-Aided Design Technology |
615-420-6832 Tiffany.Rives@tcatdickson.edu |
Brandon Rives Master Instructor, Computer Information Technology |
615-420-4379 brandon.rives@tcatdickson.edu |
Darrol Samsil Senior Instructor, Automotive Technology |
931-444-1355 darrol.samsil@tcatdickson.edu |
Cheryl Sanders K-12 Pathways Coordinator |
615-441-6220 Cheryl.Sanders@tcatdickson.edu |
Daniel Sensing Facilities Support Associate |
615-422-7946 daniel.sensing@tcatdickson.edu |
Ben Slaugenhoupt Associate Instructor; Heating/Air Conditioning and Refrigeration |
931-444-1337 ben.slaugenhoupt@tcatdickson.edu |
Maria Smith Teaching and Learning Coordinator |
maria.smith@tcatdickson.edu |
Connie Smith Associate Instructor, Cosmetology |
connie.smith@tcatdickson.edu |
Brandon Smithson Facilities Support Associate 2 |
brandon.smithson@tcatdickson.edu |
James Douglas Stewart TAEM Lead Education Specialist |
615-441-6220 douglas.stewart@tcatdickson.edu |
Katherine Sugg Master Instructor, Practical Nursing |
615-420-7682 Katherine.sugg@tcatdickson.edu |
Lisa Sullivan Student Services Counselor |
615-551-2667 lisa.sullivan@tcatdickson.edu |
Ricky Talley Program Coordinator |
ricky.talley@tcatdickson.edu |
Warren Thompson Workforce Development Coordinator |
931-572-1694 warren.thompson@tcatdickson.edu |
Jacky Tidwell Facilities Support Associate 4 |
jacky.tidwell@tcatdickson.edu |
Brittany Tomlin Academic/Student Support Associate 5 |
615-551-2765 brittany.tomlin@tcatdickson.edu |
Megan Tomlin - Tidwell MSN, RN Instructor, Practical Nursing |
615-420-7850 Megan.Tomlin@tcatdickson.edu |
Lisa Tondino Associate Instructor, Digital Graphic Design |
615-365-1513 lisa.tondino@tcatdickson.edu |
Laura Travis President |
615-441-6220 laura.travis@tcatdickson.edu |
Timothy Tuten Facilities Support Associate 4 |
timothy.tuten@tcatdickson.edu | |
Dawn Vandygriff Senior Instructor, Cosmetology |
931-444-6494 dawn.vandygriff@tcatdickson.edu |
Jamiee-Lee Weber Financial Aid Support Associate 5 |
931-572-1694 jamiee-lee.weber@tcatdickson.edu |
John Wheritt Instructor, Industrial Electrical Maintenance/Mechatronics |
931-444-6522 John.Wheritt@tcatdickson.edu |
Janine Wine Communications and Marketing Coordinator |
615.551.8038 Janine.Wine@tcatdickson.edu |
Charlie Workman Associate Instructor, Welding Technology |
Amy Wuertz ASN, RN Instructor, Practical Nursing |
amy.wuertz@tcatDickson.edu |
Tommy Yarbrough Associate Instructor, Diesel Powered Equipment Technology |
615-395-5951 Tommy.Yarbrough@tcatdickson.edu |
Steven Yates Adjunct Instructor, Early Technical College, Heating/Air Conditioning and Refrigeration |
steven.yates@tcatdickson.edu |
Terry Zwingle Associate Instructor, Building Construction Technology |
615-420-7908 Terry.Zwingle@tcatdickson.edu |
Cynthia Zwingle Vice President of Fiscal Services |
615-441-6220 cynthia.zwingle@tcatdickson.edu |