Student Handbook

General Readmission Policy

A student who previously attended Tennessee College of Applied Technology who either withdrew or whose attendance was otherwise terminated must re-apply for admission by completing a new enrollment application. Due to processing of financial aid, students desiring to enroll in a new program of study and use financial aid, or did use financial aid in a prior term, may experience a 60-day waiting period for re-admittance.

 Student Attendance

A. The nature of the programs at the Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology is such that it is necessary for every student to attend regularly. Excessive interruptions due to absences will have an adverse effect on student progress.

 1. A full-time student enrolled for a full term (432 hours) and that has been absent for more than 5.5% (24 hours) of the scheduled hours enrolled, will receive written communication alerting the student to the number of hours remaining prior to suspension. Available community and institutional resources will be shared to assist students with attendance issues. The number of hours of absence triggering notification must be prorated for all part-time students and full-time students enrolled for less than a full term.

2. When a full-time student enrolls for a full term (432 hours) and has absences exceeding 9.7% (42 hours) of the scheduled hours enrolled, that student will be suspended. A student suspended for attendance may appeal the suspension in writing to the president within three (3) days of receiving notification of the suspension. A student appealing suspension of attendance may remain in class until the suspension has been reviewed. The number of hours triggering suspension must be prorated for all part-time and full-time students enrolled for less than a full term.

3. A student is considered tardy if not in the classroom at the designated time for class to start. Multiple tardies will result in the following discipline:

a. Five (5) tardies: Student will be given a written warning by instructor.

b. Six (6) tardies: Student will be placed on probation by the president or the president's designee.

c. Seven (7) tardies: Student will be referred to the president and may be suspended.

 4. An attendance record for each student shall be maintained in the student information system.

B. When a student misses three (3) consecutive days without contacting the college, that student may be presumed to have withdrawn from the college.

Exceptions for Suspension Due to Student Attendance

In individual cases of extenuating circumstances, the president may make exceptions to the requirement of suspension or presumed withdrawal due to absences. The circumstances warranting such exceptions should be fully documented.

Student Progress

A. Evaluations of student achievement toward a program's identified occupational competencies are recorded for each student at the end of 432 hours of instruction that comprise a term. Those evaluations shall be based on the following scale of progress:

  1. A = 90 – 100
  2. B = 80 – 89
  3. C = 70 – 79
  4. D = 60 –69
  5. F = 0 – 59
  6. P = Pass
  7. CONT = Continuing/Incomplete
  8. W = Withdrew

B. Grades for courses will be determined as described in course syllabi. Students will be graded in the following categories:

  1. Skill Proficiency
  2. Theory/Related Information 

Readmission from Suspension for Grades or Attendance (All programs except Allied Health)

A. The president or designee may consider for readmission the applicant who has been suspended.

B. Criteria that the president or designee will consider in assessing candidacy for readmission are as follows:

1.  Assessment of the candidate's willingness to address those deficiencies that contributed to the prior suspension, and

2.  Assessment of the likelihood that the readmitted student may succeed in pursuing their training objective.

Readmission for Nursing and Allied Health Students

Any Tennessee College of Applied Technology Dickson nursing or allied health student student who is unable to successfully progress in the program must reapply for admission to return to the program. If the student is seeking readmission to the first term, the regular application requirements will apply. The applicant will be required to attend an orientation session and submit the necessary applications. Transcripts and HESI scores are considered valid for two years from the time of their initial receipt.

Readmission applicants must complete the Tennessee College of Applied Technology application for the term they plan to enroll. The student must also submit a letter requesting readmission to the specific term and a letter of reference from an individual with direct knowledge of the student's abilities, preferably a previous instructor, to the Director of Nursing and Health Careers. The application should include a letter from the student describing the student's plan for success and any efforts to maintain nursing knowledge.

The Director will review each case and may recommend readmission to the college President. The Director will consider criteria for readmission including a demonstration of the student's willingness to address the deficiencies that contributed to the prior suspension and an assessment of the likelihood that the readmitted student may succeed.

Any student suspended for poor attendance must sit out one full term before being readmitted to the program. Readmission is dependent upon several factors including classroom space and clinical availability. Readmission is not guaranteed. Re-enrollment requests will be reviewed once per term. 

Any student who has been unsuccessful twice in the nursing or allied health program may be denied readmission. After a period of five years from the date of the second termination, an individual may apply to the nursing program and be given consideration for readmission. Transfer credit for this admission will not be considered.