Patient Care Technology/Medical Assisting


The Patient Care Technology/Medical Assisting program at Tennessee College of Applied Technology - Dickson provides students with a thorough understanding of basic nursing care and prepares them to provide direct bedside care in a variety of healthcare settings. Patient Care Technicians and Medical Assistants provide basic patient care under the supervision or direction of a Physician, Advanced Practice Nurse, Registered Nurse, or Licensed Practical Nurse. The program includes classroom lecture, laboratory, and clinical practice. Students study Anatomy, Nurse Assisting, Phlebotomy, Electrocardiography, and Medical Assisting. Supervised clinical experiences associated with each area of study are required. Graduates are eligible to apply for certification in Nurse Assisting, Phlebotomy, Electrocardiography, and Medical Assisting.


Information Detail
Time Commitment Full Time
Typical Program Length 12 Months
Clock Hours 1,296
Class Type Day
Credentials Diploma
Total Tuition/Fees $4,340.00
Textbook/Supplies Cost $1,472.59

Program Credentials

Option NameHoursCredentials
Nurse Aide246Certificate
Phlebotomy Technician432Certificate
Electrocardiogram Technician864Certificate
Patient Care Technician864Certificate
Medical Assistant1296Diploma

Class Schedule: Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 2:30 pm

Clinical Hours: Vary depending on clinical site availability

Now accepting applications for Summer 2025.

*All start dates are dependent on sufficient enrollment.

To be considered for admission, please complete the following steps:

  • Online Application by clicking “Apply Now
  • Official High School Transcript or Equivalent
    • Official transcript must be mailed directly from your school system to TCAT Dickson, Attn: Sherry Bowman. Electronic submission of transcripts must be from or National Student Clearinghouse to be considered official. We DO NOT accept emailed transcripts.
    • Foreign Transcripts will require translation and evaluation from a credentialing service to verify equivalent to a US high school diploma. It is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain appropriate credential verification.
  • Proof of Immunity to MMR and Varicella
    • Applicants must provide proof of two doses of each immunization or positive titer levels.
  • HESI A2 Entrance Exam
    • A minimum score of 60 in both math and reading sections. HESI scores are valid for 2 years. Retesting may be allowed once per term and must be a minimum of 30 days after the prior test.
    • If you test at a testing center other than TCAT Dickson or Clarksville, please have the testing facility email with your official scores.
    • Achieving the minimum scores on the HESI A2 exam does not guarantee admission. Admission to the Patient Care Technician and Medical Assisting Program is highly competitive, and only a select number of students are enrolled in each class.

Patient Care Technician & Medical Assisting applicants with a complete application are ranked based on scores on the entrance exam.

*Additional documentation will be required following acceptance into the program to meet clinical approval.

Information Sessions:


Please contact Sherry Bowman at 615-441-6220 for additional information.

HESI A2 Testing Dates: 

No testing dates scheduled at this time.

HESI testing slots are limited. Call Sherry Bowman at 615-441-6220 to request a date.  The $47 exam fee must be paid to reserve a seat. The HESI test fee is nonrefundable. Please arrive early for the HESI exam. Testing begins promptly at the scheduled time. There will be no late admittance.

Applicants may utilize the HESI Admission Assessment Exam Review ISBN: 9780323582261 as a study guide. 

Click here to request official HESI scores from the Elsevier website:

The local Adult Education/Workforce Essentials offices in Dickson and Clarksville/Montgomery County offer free assistance with preparation.

For more information, please contact Stephanie Murphy, Director of Nursing and Health Careers, at 615-441-6220 or or Sherry Bowman, Health Careers Student Enrollment, at 615-441-6222 or


For more information on TCAT to Community College Articulation agreements, click the links below:


Campus Locations

Clarksville Campus
135 International Blvd
Clarksville, TN 37040


Nurse Assisting
Medical Assisting


Jamillah Osorio
Jamillah Osorio, LPN

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